Monthly Archives: July, 2014

Christmas In July

Santa Waving Close upThis may sound strange, but I’ve heard some of you say you wish we could have some snow because it’s getting too hot. Woah, hold your horses!! We’re only at Mid-Summer… so you’ll have to find other ways to chill.

I was watching JMichael and Sadie in Kernersville, North Carolina last week as they celebrated Christmas In July. In fact, Sadie and I got on Skype and sang Jingle Bells together.  Did you know you can visit with Santa via Skype or phone call?  That’s right….Santa can sing along with you or read you a Christmas story. Just click on the RED menu button at the top of the page then SELECT “Skype or Call From Santa” to find out how!

Come to find out, they have been doing a lot of celebrating lately. Sadie just turned 7 and JMichael recently turned 11, so they had a 7/11 Birthday Bash. Then it was time for Fireworks on July 4th, and after that, it was Christmas In July.

It brought me joy to see how kind, thoughtful and helpful they were to their Nana and Bumpa, and how they made some wise choices for their mom and dad. I also noticed how they included other children in their fun.

This is how you stay on the Nice List, boys and girls.

