Tag Archives: Blaise Bohannon

Two Little Boys

Santa Waving Close upThis story is about Thomas and Blaise Bohannon of Houston, TX. I like watching these two brothers in action. Well, let me tell you how they surprised their dad one day.They were feeling chilly as they were waiting to be seated at an air conditioned restaurant. Their dad said it was o.k. for the boys to wait outside on the porch where they could warm up.

Thomas and Blaise went in and out a couple of times, and the last time they came in, they left the door open. Dad rushed over to give the boys “The Look” and he saw that they were intensely focused on an elderly man in a wheel chair being pushed up the ramp. He then, went back to wait in line, and did nothing to prevent the boys from holding the door for someone in need.

Maybe you would like to tell Santa your story. Did you know you can visit with Santa via Skype or phone call?  That’s right….Santa can sing along with you or read you a Christmas story. Just click on the RED menu button at the top of the page then SELECT “Skype or Call From Santa” to find out how!

The neat thing about Thomas and Blaise is the fact that they decided all on their own to help the elderly man. It is never too early to practice random acts of kindness.

